7 Best Ways How To Get Rid Of The Smell Of Cat Urine
Obedient and clean fluffy suddenly ceased to cope with the need in the place assigned to him, “scent” of defecation smelled furniture and the floor. We will discuss why the animal behaves this way and how to get rid of the smell of cat urine in an apartment at home.
Why does the smell appear?
The appearance of an unpleasant sharp smell signals that, for some reason, the pet refuses to go to his toilet.
An animal at a respectable age can attract attention as if saying: I have a problem, pay attention to me.
“Marked” the shoes of your guest, the animal expresses its dislike. Take a look: it is not vain to say that children and animals feel a hidden threat and not very good people. Another reason may be the resentment caused by this person.
The reasons for such behavior can be very different. We will discuss them in more detail below. We will find out how to get rid of the smell of cat urine, and the reason for the persistence of the sharp ‘scent’.
The sharp smell is produced by one of the components, uric acid, which is not removed in time puddle accumulates bacteria that cause this wild ambergris.
You should get rid of the problem comprehensively: eliminate the cause and draw conclusions, find the source, find a remedy that removes the smell for sure.
The lamp with ultraviolet light will help to find a place invisible to the eye. It will accurately identify the source, highlighting the biological components of urine.
Did you know? In Indiana state correctional facilities, USA, prisoners are allowed to keep cats in a cell. This unique program is designed to help animals relieve stress, reduce aggression, and give prisoners some hope.
Can this smell be removed?
There is a widespread belief that no matter how you try to get rid of the smell of cat urine on the sofa or carpet, or somewhere on the floor, you can’t do it at home.
In fact, it is quite possible. Professionals are developed by specialists, they are not difficult to buy in veterinary drugstores and pet stores.
And such means are developed separately for smell removal from upholstered furniture (leather or fabric upholstery), separately for carpets and carpeting, for floors. It is possible to make a neutralizing agent yourself from relatively simple and available means.
General recommendations
To remove the smell does not mean to interrupt it, so you need to use odor neutralizers, namely, diluted bacteria and uric acid.
Handy tools
So, the list of the most effective neutralizers:
- iodine
- vinegar
- lemon juice
- hydrogen peroxide
- manganese dissolution
Why these remedies: almost all of them are bactericidal, as, vinegar and lemon, are oxidants that neutralize urea. Of course, you should use aqueous solutions.
If the stain is found literally about to be found, use household soap, vodka, or a thick solution of baking soda.
Important! Household products do not use components that smell even sharper: perfume, chlorine solution, or aromatic oils. This will create just an unbearable combination of scents, firstly; it will remove the scent only for a while, secondly; it will harm the cat’s sensitive nose, thirdly.
Professional products
The most reliable professional tools, according to the owners, are the following:
- “Urine Off”
- “Just for Cats Stain & Odor Remover”
- “Pet Stain & Odor Remover”
- “Bio-G”
Important! If you are going to use professional tools, follow the instructions carefully. It is recommended to use products with a specific focus. For example, the skin has a more gentle formulation that takes into account its dislike for moisture.
Removal of odors from different surfaces
Let’s get acquainted with methods of struggle for separate cases.
Did you know? On the Canadian passenger ship “Empress of Ireland”, making sea voyages from Canada to England, lived an Emmy cat. She accompanied all expeditions until 1914. In this last flight for the vessel, on May 28, Emmy refused to board. The ship sank as a result of the collision near the Canadian city of Rome.
The difficulty is not how to get rid of the smell of cat urine in your shoes at home, but to get rid of it forever, because often the smell comes back when you interact with sweat.
If the shoes were taken directly from under the cat, that is, the puddle is fresh, first wet with paper napkins extra moisture, the drier, the better. Then it needs to be washed with household soap of high quality, it is often enough.
If the incident was noticed late, the shoes should be soaked in a solution of lemon juice, vinegar, or manganese. Then wash and dry. Vinegar is diluted with water 1:4, manganese to a slightly pink shade, lemon at your discretion.
Leather shoes should not be washed: it will give shrinkage. Therefore, it should be rubbed with a cotton swab. You can use the following solution: manganese (slightly pink) with the addition of 15 drops of iodine.
Suppose the skin is light and yellow spots are left on it from urine. In that case, you can remove them with peroxide — first test on the inside of the shoe, and then very carefully where necessary.
It is better to treat suede skin with glycerin soap and then fix it with rubbing lemon juice.
Fur generously sprinkled with a layer of soda, leave for a couple of hours, and then brush, and lemon juice gently cleaned.
The easiest way is to buy a special tool for furniture and use it according to instructions. If this is not possible, we use the available components.
Washing the sofa is quite problematic, so the remains of fresh puddle sprinkled with soda. Distribute evenly throughout the stain and wait until it is absorbed and crystallized.
Then we remove the soda and urea crystals and gently treat them with vodka, diluted alcohol, peroxide, or manganese solution with iodine.
The old stain is worse because the urine has penetrated deep inside. To remove the problem, you should inject a soda solution with a peroxide syringe into the “pulp”. Then, the furniture can be vacuumed and treated with an acetic solution from the sprayer.
Important: For upholstered furniture with light colors of upholstery, it is not desirable to use iodine or manganese.
Carpets and carpets at home are processed simultaneously with the airing in three stages:
- The found spot is generously soaked with vinegar (1:3 with water), left to dry.
- Dry place sprinkled with soda, moisten, leave to dry.
- After removing soda, spray from the sprayer with a solution of glycerol, hydrogen peroxide, and water, shaking to foam. After drying, it is left to vacuum.
How to get rid of the smell of cat urine in the apartment on the floor? A white vinegar solution with water 1 to 3 is used for wooden covering (parquet). Then wash several times with clean cold water.
For linoleum and laminate, vinegar can be aggressive, so it is better to do the same procedure, but the juice should be weak.
Why did the cat stop going to the toilet?
Before removing the smell of cat urine, you need to understand the reasons for this behavior, mostly if the cat has stopped going to the litter tray.
This problem has two sides of the coin: medical and psychological. An animal can avoid using the tray because of the following health problems:
- the inflammatory process in the urethra
- kidney failure or infectious disease
- congenital or acquired obstruction of urinary ducts
- urolithiasis
A cat walking in the street and sitting at home can get sick, cystitis appears due to the animal’s freezing. Often castrated or sterilized individuals are susceptible to infectious diseases.
Having fallen ill, your pet may just not have time to run to the toilet; it may be painful for him to step over the high side of the tray. The cat should be shown to the veterinarian and treated. If the problem does not disappear, look for the cause in another way.
Psychological aspects of inappropriate behavior:
- Cats are one of the cleanest animals; if the tray smells terrible, it will not go there.
- Change of the old tray is also an actual reason: the animal has got used to it, and the new tray for some reason does not like or frightens.
- Change the filler: the cat is used to granular sand, and it has been replaced by another, such as wood filler
- Location of the toilet
- Period of sexual activity (marks of its territory)
- Jealousy or vindictiveness
Now we will figure out how to fight it and remove the cat urine smell.
Always clean carefully around the tray and the tray itself. The remnants of wet filler should not be left. When washing the toilet, do not use fragrant products: they will scare the cat away.
When changing the tray, do not throw away the old one at once. A, choosing a new one, try to choose the same color and shape without plastic’s strong smell.
Do not change the filler, to which the animal has already managed to get used to. In the end, the function of all samples is the same. The toilet should be hidden from prying eyes, stand in a quiet, brightly lit place.
To help with the problem during cat weddings will help to consult with the veterinarian, maybe he will prescribe something calming, give advice on how to smooth the situation.
Jealousy can arise after you buy another cat. The cat is trying to make you understand that he lacks your attention and does not intend to share it with anyone. Try to pay attention to everyone evenly, consult with the veterinarian.
If there is a baby in the house, jealousy may arise. Therefore, accustomed to the baby’s presence gradually, while the baby in the hospital cat slipped on the acquaintance of something with the smell of the child.
Revenge is possible if you hurt your pet. No matter how strange it sounds — you should apologize. The cat is a living creature and loves affection and kindness as much as you.
A family of cats has been accompanying humans for centuries. These graceful animals know how to love, care can be tender and funny. But at the same time, they know how to be offended, revenge, jealous, familiar with fear, and experience stress.
It is not difficult to have a pet; it is crucial to remember that this is a living creature that needs attention, respect, and love.
Questions and Answers
How to remove cat urine smell from clothes?
Mix one cup of white vinegar to three cups of water (1:3). Coat the urine-stained item with this solution and allow it to sit for a few minutes. Cover the stained area with baking soda if you wish.
How to remove cat urine smell from wood?
The smell of cat urine from the wood removes vinegar and soda well. First, rub the soda, then water with kitchen vinegar. The passing reaction removes the unpleasant smell.
How to remove cat urine smell from a mattress?
The composition of vinegar, peroxide, soda — the first vinegar mixed with water is sprayed on the contaminated area. In an hour, the stain is covered with soda. In another 30–40 minutes, it is vacuumed and the surface is treated with peroxide. It should be noted that these agents can be used separately.
How to remove cat urine smell from furniture?
First of all, you need to remove all moisture immediately. To do this, apply clean dry wipes to the stain to absorb the liquid. Also prepare light soapy water in advance and stock up with clean, dry wipes. For cat urine removal alcohol, lemon or vinegar is suitable, as well as soda or fine salt.
Are cat urine fumes harmful?
The strongest harm cat urine causes to pregnant women. Any urine contains ammonia, which is very volatile. Therefore, it is not recommended for pregnant women to clean up the cat tray by themselves.
Is cat urine harmful to babies?
Pet urine can be toxic and especially to children that play near the floor. The most dangerous substance in urine is ammonia, which is very volatile and extremely toxic.
Will cat urine deter mice?
Yes, the substance contained in the cat’s urine causes the secretion of fear hormones in mice.
Will cat urine keep squirrels away?
No, cat urine cannot stop the squirrels to come to your yard. Even though this smell is unpleasant for a squirrel, but if it is hungry, nothing can stop it.
Will cat urine kill my plants?
Cat urine can burn the roots of your plants. If in the garden it is not so pernicious, indoor plants can wither quickly. It’s all about the salts in the urine — they are destructive to the roots.
Can cat urine cause headaches?
Yes, of course! The ammonia in the urine irritates the bronchial membranes, resulting in coughing attacks. Symptoms can also include feeling lightheaded and minor headaches.