A Day In The Life Of A Catwoman
I’m not sure when it happened, but I remember the day he asked me on a date. It was probably in my junior year of high school when I noticed boys and wanted them to like me. So that one time in particular sticks out in my head.
He rented a Redbox movie and made pizza for dinner at his house with his mom’s help. We were watching our movie when suddenly there was this loud beeping sound coming from the kitchen, which just so happened to be where the oven is located. He looked over at me, dead in the eye, and said, “This is the worst part.” When I saw him open up that door, all hell broke loose because the entire kitchen was filled with smoke. It got so bad that we couldn’t see each other anymore and we had to open all the windows in the house just to get some sort of ventilation going. His mom was laughing at us, but now, I probably would’ve been crying because I was panicking inside, and my heart was racing.
After that day, he continued to ask me out on dates even though I said no every time because I was a bit intimidated by him and didn’t want things to get awkward between us as classmates. Eventually, I gave in but only as friends. We’ve been inseparable ever since.
There’s something about him that I haven’t told him yet, even though we’ve been friends for years. I think he already knows, though, because he’s just that kind of person who can read other people very well and is good at understanding human emotions. He might sense that something is wrong with me, but for some reason, I think I’m afraid to tell him about it.
I guess I’m just afraid of what he might think or how it could affect our friendship. He has always been there for me when I need someone to talk to because when no one else will listen, he’s the person who shows up and gives me his undivided attention when I need it most.
Whenever my dad isn’t in the picture, I depend on him to help out with cooking dinner or grocery shopping or any other household chores that he can handle because my mom is working full-time to support us. We usually end up splitting the cost of food 50/50 since we’re both broke college students… My mother doesn’t live here anymore because she decided that it would be better for her to stay with my father back in our hometown (upstate New York). She thought it would be best for the three of us if we stayed together as a family unit.
My parents ended up getting a divorce about two years ago, and ever since then, my life has been turned upside down. My mother was never really around anymore because she had to work day and night to make ends meet. It didn’t help matters much when I went through puberty and started having boy problems at school because she wasn’t there every step of the way like other parents are during those difficult times. I feel like sometimes I have no one else to turn to except for this person who understands me better than anyone else out there.
It’s been tough to get through some days and nights because I don’t know if my mom will come home or not, and at times like that, he would make sure to stop by unexpectedly and check up on me. He knows how much I hate being alone in the house when my mom isn’t here, so he makes it a point to swing by during those critical times just so I won’t have to be outside the past dark. Whenever I call him over at night, I can tell he doesn’t want to leave his own place, but for whatever reason, maybe it’s just concern for me, he always agrees…
Now that we’re about two years into our friendship, although I’m oblivious about how he feels about me, I can tell that he sees me as more than a friend who needs help every now and then. He sees me as a true friend who might be going through some difficult times right now but is willing to stick by my side until everything’s all better again.
He’s always been the one person in my life who has never left my side no matter what happens. Other people have come and gone out of my life because they say I’m not good enough or didn’t meet their standards, but he stayed strong because he said that we were meant to be friends for a lifetime. Sometimes it’s hard to comprehend why this particular person would care so much about someone like myself when everyone else couldn’t wait to leave my side, and I know how screwed up my life is with all the emotional baggage.
I feel like he would stick around for as long as I’d let him, but I’m afraid to take that chance with him because I don’t want to ruin our friendship if we’re not meant to be more than just friends. On occasion, there have been times when we spent so much time together that it felt like we were more than just friends, but every time those thoughts come into play, I push them aside because they scare me so much. He always tells me how beautiful a person he thinks I am and how unique and epic our friendship is and then tells me that there’s nothing he wouldn’t do for me.
Sometimes I wonder if he’d be there if I had to go through something very difficult or tragic because, at the end of the day, I know that with him by my side, things would be much better than they are now. As much as it pains me to say this, I don’t think anyone else in my life could offer what he does for me right now and most likely will never have that feeling again…
I thank this person every day for being in my life even though we fight all the time because of how different our lifestyles are sometimes. Other people might find him annoying or find some other reason to get rid of him.
I am now in a phase of my life where I can see the merits and disadvantages to both sides. Sometimes, it is hard for me not to feel like the only person who has been there for me as much as he has; but then again, we have different ways to live our lives. He never judged what I did or said that something happened to me once doesn’t mean it will happen again-he just accepted everything and helped pick up all the pieces when things were terrible. It’s difficult to put into words exactly why this friendship means so much more than anything else in my life right now — I’m afraid if I take too many risks with him, even though they might be worth taking because maybe one day he’ll feel the same about me as I do him, he’ll find out what a mess my life is and leave.
At this point in time, I am so emotionally tired from everything going on around me since I can remember. I don’t know if I have enough strength to even be able to take care of myself anymore. He always finds something new to complain about with all that has happened lately, but then again, there are days he acts like it’s no big deal. For some reason, even though we’re both still young and have a lot of growing up ahead of us — even after two years together — we’ve already reached a plateau where our lives just flow from one day to the next without any real issues. We’ve gone through some difficult times together, and he is someone I know that I can turn to anytime because he’s always been there for me, just like I am for him.
He’s the one person who has stuck around no matter what happens, and it feels good knowing that someone cares about you even when everything else in your life isn’t going well. His friendship means more to me than anything else could-even if right now, things are a little strained or tense between us because of how different our lifestyles are. Sometimes I wonder why he puts up with my problems-why he put up with me because of all the pain, anger, resentment, guilt, and fear — but then again, his friendship probably means more…