Home Preparation For An Abyssinian Kitten

Jennifer Wilson
13 min readDec 2, 2020


Are you going to, or have you already bought an Abyssinian kitten? Abyssinian cats are very active, especially in childhood. Accordingly, it is desirable for them to buy some things for fun, so that they let their energy flow precisely on them, not on your furniture, wallpaper, curtains, and other things. Also, it is necessary to keep your ear-eared pets safe.

Do not be afraid of expenses, because everything you want to give to your favorite pet can be bought gradually. Not everything at once, or choose the most necessary and necessary, but to do something with your own hands.

Table Of Contents

· Grids on windows
· Ceramic bowls
· Scratching posts
· Toys
· Grooming
· Prepare the toilet
· Food
· Heat
· Quarantine
· Walking on the street is prohibited
· It is not worth decorating the house
· Social contacts
· Careful
· Communication with other cats
· Be affectionate
· Childish leprosy

Grids on windows

It is obligatory to install anti-cat grids or grates in the house on all windows that open. Abyssinians have strongly developed predatory instincts. Any bird, mouse, fly, spider outside the window will cause a storm of emotions. The desire to catch them is irresistible.

It should be borne in mind that when the window is thrown vertically upward on a small hole, such windows can not be left without your presence in the house, at least until the kitten will not grow up. A kitten of any breed can jump up and get stuck in this hole, narrowing to the bottom. Many kittens of any breed die from such windows — “killers”.

An adult animal will be smarter and bigger in size, so usually, the window thrown upwards does not pose such a threat to adult cats. Standard grids of such plan as on the photo or thicker grids will do if the animal tries to scratch the grid. This also applies to other breeds; just some breeds of cats jump out the window later. At 2–3 years old…or maybe at 11 years old and everybody tells the veterinarians that before their cats didn’t do it…. once this moment comes. Well, if everything went well, the kitten was found and helped. According to statistics, there is a very high percentage of visits to the vet with cats after the fall. Some cases have regrettable outcomes.

Ceramic bowls

Buy safe ceramic bowls. Plastic bowls accumulate many germs over time, which in many cats cause acne and other problems. Also, ceramic bowls are quite heavy and more comfortable for the cat (not shifted in mealtime).

Scratching posts

Abyssinian kitten needs an object to sharpen its beautiful claws. For this purpose, a simple column with sisal wrap on the stand may be suitable. But Abyssinian cats are more energetic, and they also love to sit at height. The ideal option for your baby will be to buy a play center.

It is on it that the kitten will be able to release its extra energy, climbing the poles, with great pleasure sharpen its claws instead of your furniture. Almost all who buy game centers for their Abyssinian kittens usually keep their furniture and wallpaper in the proper form. It is there that the kitty will climb, jump, sharpen claws, use this shell for sports training to keep its muscles in shape.

Game centers can be very different, but the ideal is a game center from 165–170 cm. to the ceiling. It should have long poles so that the Abyssinian SEAL can climb from the floor to the top, or there should also be a house for solitude separately. Yes, sometimes even an Aby kitty just wants to lie alone in the dark. Rocking-out will be interesting for kittens at a young age, then they would instead prefer the lower house and the top,

to sit and look at all the apartments at the height. The budget of all people is different. The most economical suitable place will be the corner house, “Skyscraper”. On the Internet, you can find many different kinds of buildings.

Everything depends on your desire, budget, and place in the room. There are more ingenious complexes, but the prices for them are appropriate. According to the article’s guidelines on the Internet, some people make houses/hanging shelves with their own hands according to the article’s policies. You can find everything on the Internet :)


To keep your baby busy, you will also need all kinds of toys from pet stores, mini mice, laser pointers, small soft toys (such as a plastic snake on a wire), long thick laces, balls — a jumper. You can also buy additional houses, sunbeds, secluded soft beds-toys (they also like to trample them with their feet, gently claw and rumble at this moment or sleep there when it’s cold), pipe rustles.

Trumpet — a rustler lies in the center of the room, like a secret surveillance point, cheerful cat, who in games also runs through it, or sits there and plays with you with a lanyard. An ordinary rope will not fit if it is thin. A kitten/cat may accidentally swallow it entirely. With cellophane bags, it is possible to play only under strict supervision; the kitten can also eat polyethylene pieces.

Abyssinian cats are not as capricious as it seems; they will be glad to have a bow on a thread and a wide lace, a cotton swab for ear cleaning, a stick with a protective tip (they run after it when you rustle it and move it on the furniture/floor/wall). And a jumper’s ball in stores costs 10 rubles each. You can stock them as they quickly disappear, as well as lightweight mini-mice with tails. You can throw the ball to the kitten, helping him in the game.


You will need the minimum funds for grooming. This will be a plastic comb with frequent small cogs for Abyssinian kittens (any simple comb will do), as well as a special comb from the pet store, a brush for adult kittens when the pillow hair becomes thicker.

The pet should be washed with an odorless pet shampoo. You can use a special air conditioner. Often, they do not need to be cleaned, but only when necessary. Pet stores offer a wide range of products to suit every taste at different prices. Of disinfectant shampoos, especially for dandruff or a fungus, a shampoo from veterinary pharmacies will do.

Prepare the toilet

You will need a tray, filler, and spatula to clean the filling. The filler can be purchased as silica gel (if the budget allows). It is poured and changed when 2/3 of the filler in the tray is used. For kittens up to 3–3.5 months it is recommended to put silica gel under the grate so that the baby does not confuse it with dry food, you can not eat it. This type of filler is suitable when there are not many cats in the house.

A more economical and quite convenient and safe for the kitten option used in most catteries is wood absorbent filler. Always use the same filler used by the breeder and the same tray, i.e. buy rectangular and open tray, not closed tray. Otherwise, the kitten will have problems with the toilet. All innovations can only be tried when the kitten has fully adapted to her new home.

It’s better to choose a larger size tray, deep with relatively high edges, as abys like to lean on the tray’s edges with her feet. The Abyssinian kitten may learn to walk even on the grid (but it will be necessary to continually clean such a tray, keep it clean), and sprinkle on top with a handful of filler (for smell and rustle). Still, they like to walk in the filler more…

Suppose your kitten is still trying to taste the toothpaste. In that case, the toothpaste will fall asleep under the grill until your baby is smarter. When changing the filler types, leave a used handful of old used filler and pour it on top of the new filler for odor and toilet identification.


About how Abyssinian cats (and not only them) need special quality food, we have talked in the appropriate section about healthy eating. It is highly recommended to familiarize yourself with it.

It is important to understand that all elite breeds are bred artificially. Buying privileged species, you need to be ready and properly maintained to keep them healthy for as long as possible. Skimpy pays twice, or even three times for the veterinarian. An animal can do without expensive pears but always needs good nutrition and care, in fact, like all pets. There is no need to save money on food, the digestive system of a cat is very different from humans.

Pay attention to the important point when you put the dry food, it must be freely available. The kitten grows and can eat on average twice as much as an adult animal. All norms on the packages of dry food are only indicative, it should be noted that the norms for adult cats and kittens, as well as for nursing / pregnant women are different.

The kitten is not overweight, there is no need to give him dry food in grams. She needs a quality and balanced diet to grow up strong and healthy. This applies to kittens of all breeds, but especially elite cats.

It’s possible to reduce the cost of dry food by buying 5kg packs. Buy this amount only when you are sure that your kitten has eaten food in your home for 1–2 months. Everything is fine so that it does not turn out that the food did not suit your kitten during the growth process or in the end. The air is always squeezed out of the packs (it oxidizes the food and the vitamins in it), packs of pounds are used and the food is sprinkled there in parts.

Please note that a nursing cat eats even more than a growing kitten, the pregnant one also has an increased appetite. Suppose you have plans to buy a kitten in breeding for additional earnings. In that case, you should consider all this. The cat eats all year round and breeding will be more of a favorite, but a serious, responsible, and challenging hobby, rather than income.

Remember more about the filler, toys, houses, exhibitions, knitting, veterinary care, club fees, vaccinations, damage to the house from the games of active cat “shepherd”, time consumption, teaching felinology, sleepless nights, and that.


Abyssinian cats — is a short-haired breed, you need to keep warm in the house above 21 degrees. Kittens, especially during quarantine after vaccination, can catch a cold. Undercoat becomes thicker with age.


Keep quarantine after vaccination (up to 3.5–4 months). Until then, hide all the street shoes in the closet, my trampled dirty floor, so that the kitten does not pick up any infection or virus because the vaccination temporarily weakens the immune system (better safe). In principle, such measures should be observed by all pet owners. On shoes, you can bring herpes and many diseases, which can get with mud with particles of other animals’ faeces or urine. These are rare cases, but they are possible in any breed.

Walking on the street is prohibited

I personally do not recommend walking outside with domestic cats. At least in places where other street cats poop. You should understand that standard vaccination only protect against a small part of viruses that any animal can catch. Here, it already depends on individual immunity. Street cats also get sick, or become carriers (the disease does not manifest itself in any way, but is dangerous for other animals) of severe diseases.

The life expectancy of street cats is not very high. They try to reproduce as quickly as possible. If you often walk on a harness (otherwise, you may run away) with an Abyssinian kitten, at least stock up on a veterinarian’s budget for treatment, as it may cost around the cost of an Abyssinian kitten (depending on the severity of the viral disease). Some viruses, unfortunately, are fatal (immunodeficiency, leukemia, and sometimes plague). Also stock up on a flea and mite collar for a walk.

Street dogs are also a threat to your pet cat, so never leave the cats on the street without a leash and your strict supervision in the city or on your country's estate.

Dogs (including pets) can attack even a cat walking with its owner. I personally faced this situation twice in my childhood, walking with my favorite kittens ended there. SEALs, well, were not very badly affected, but experienced terrible stress, and I was tormented by my conscience for a long time for not seeing danger in time.

Street dogs can be scared away by the loud and constantly repeating word “get out!”, at the end it is necessary to hiss loud and shrill, there should be no fear, animals feel fear, read our feelings. Twice so chased away large street dogs from street cats, they are afraid of it, the effect is very fast. We also use this word for little kittens as a command “can’t” :). The kittens are not afraid, but they understand that you are not happy with them anymore.

Escaped from home pets (through a window without a grid or door) may die from dog fangs. In people’s summer houses, unfortunately, these are common cases, especially among elite breeds. At the cottage are also mandatory nets on the windows and strict supervision of the animal. A small fence will not stop an Abyssinian cat.

Even Maine Coons will not be able to cope with hungry street dogs that attack and hunt in packs at once, and their hide is extreme. Their negligence at the cottages has never caused the death/loss of elite pets of different breeds at our acquaintances. Cut ends of the claws may not leave the kitty chances to be saved, except to flee with all the Abyssinian speed and jumping. But will you find them later?

Abyssinians are fast, muscular, smart, and very jumping, but not adapted to life on the street animals.

Amazing are the people who are thinking of starting them to catch mice in the country house. Forget about it! They will bring you in the mouth and spit out a live spider to play with or eat a caught moth/fly, but you should not count on mice. They are only decorative “predators”.

It is not worth decorating the house

Abyssinian kittens will not remain indifferent to the Christmas tree and Christmas decorations. We do not advise until the kitten will grow up decorating the house with garlands and glass balls. Kitten stupidly can eat a garland, or hurt himself with glass fragments from balls, or dump a heavy barbed tree.

To remove the garland may require an operation. After such procedures, animals do not always survive. This applies not only to cats but also to dogs. Adult cats usually treat the tree quite calmly and smartly to eat inedible items, but everything can be.

Social contacts

Abyssinian cats are very human-oriented. They like to do things together and watch everyone in the house. They want to play even in adulthood (if the owner is lazy and not accustomed to laziness without playing with them). So think, if you have time to study the animal and how to be on time for a vacation.


Abyssinian cats are very fond of running and jumping. They will jump wherever they can get their long legs and walk under the ceiling. So it is worth wiping the dust off the cabinets, walls, and other high-rise buildings in your home.

As long as kittens are small and overly brave, but not reasonable enough, they can damage the bone or ligament (good news is very rare). They are not yet allowed to jump from high altitudes right on the floor.

When you sit in a chair or chair, check if the kitten jumped on a chair/chair directly under your butt at the last moment. Then you risk crushing an unintentional baby. Take care of yourself.

Communication with other cats

Suppose you want your cat to receive a new Abyssinian friend faster (in case of aggression). In that case, you can use pheromones Sentry + Feliway friends cat collar diffuser (in the main interaction room). Start using at least a day, or better, a week before moving a new pet. If the meeting party is suddenly overtly aggressive (poses a threat to the kitten), they will be taught to dose it by dividing it into rooms and using these means. The collar is dressed on the cat of the meeting side.

Be affectionate

Abyssins cannot stand violence against themselves. They get along well with children, but children always need to be explained that this is a living creature, a new member of your family, that it has its own desires and needs, it is not a doll or a soft toy. Do not let the animal be caught, if you see that the kitten is not comfortable and runs away.

Never hit an Abyssinian cat. Do not forget, these are lovely/gentle babies and only you can teach them aggression. Never hurt them. Do not try to show in such a horrible way that you are the master of the house. You will achieve only that you break the delicate psyche, and the animal will start to see you as a threat, will lose its trust.

SEALs need to be loved and negotiated, especially when they breed in the depths of wild blood, hence their luxurious habits, movements, and grace. It is impossible to take your eyes away from them, they are beautiful. They are smart and require respect, while being tender and loving, they love to kiss and follow their owner. You can show with your facial expressions and intonation that you are not satisfied with them. And you can show how to do it properly. And a gentle voice is always pleasant to their ears. In extreme cases, you can use a sprayer.

For people allergic to cats, this breed is not suitable, despite the short hair. Do not believe if you are told otherwise.

Childish leprosy

If your apartment has a wallpaper piece, then be sure to glue it immediately because it will be a toy for a kitten, and then a bigger piece will come off. All small protruding pieces should be glued in advance. Usually, cats do not touch wallpaper, but if the pieces stick out, you know that such pieces are beautiful to any kitten. Choose always dense, smooth modern wallpaper. Such cats are usually not attractive.



Jennifer Wilson
Jennifer Wilson

Written by Jennifer Wilson

Housewife and a happy owner of two cats 😻

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