How To Wash A Cat At Home

Jennifer Wilson
8 min readSep 8, 2020


Every cat owner, sooner or later, faces the fact that he needs to be bathed. And then there are several difficulties because everyone knows the terrible dislike for bathing procedures. Let’s find out how to wash a cat at home with pleasure for him and you?

Previously, a cute and fluffy purring creature at the first touch to the water like a substitute turns into a fierce, loud and dangerous beast, able to cause serious wounds to its owner. We will give some recommendations on washing a cat if it is afraid of water and scratches. We hope that your bathing will no longer be stressful for both of you after reading them.

Table Of Contents

· Cat washing
· Do I need it?
· How often?
· At what age to start
· Preparation
· Bathroom
· Сlaws
· Bathing process
· Drying
· Tips and recommendations

Cat washing

First, let’s consider whether or not to bathe this clean animal by its nature and how often it is necessary to do it.

Do I need it?

Everyone knows very well that cats bathe themselves licking their tongue. Therefore, domestic mustaches are not very much in need of this human procedure.

The exceptions may be long-haired and hairless breeds, individuals who are exhibited at exhibitions, or in some cases when the animal is exhausted in the street or does not lick itself well enough and smell of stench and fleas.

In Cyprus, during archaeological excavations were found the oldest remains of a domestic cat — they date back to 7500 BC. The fact that the cat was domestic is evidenced by its burial together with humans.

How often?

Even if there is a need to wash the cat, it is necessary to do it infrequently. The fact is that the pet fur is covered with a unique natural lubricant, essential to maintain its normal state.

It is strictly forbidden to bathe a pregnant cat, for her it will be a huge stress. If it is necessary to wash during this period, it is better to use a dry shampoo and comb it with a special brush.

It appears as a result of the subcutaneous glands. At each wash, you can remove this protective lubricant away, which is not suitable for the animal, because it is fraught with the development of various skin diseases and the appearance of dandruff.

When asked how often it is possible to wash a cat, the veterinarians most often answer that as necessary and rarely. For a kitten, water procedures should be carried out no more than 3–4 times a month, and for an adult cat — no more than once in 6 months.

At what age to start

Comfortable bathing depends directly on the age at which the kitten got to know the water and how stressful it was for him.

Therefore, the first bath is essential and forms the subsequent behavior of the animal during this procedure.

The kitten can be accustomed to water from 3–4 months and 2–3 weeks after settling in your home (the necessary period for the baby). And about how to bathe the kitten for the first time.


The bathing process can be divided into three stages:


Before the washing procedure, you must prepare the bathroom and the animal itself.


You should remove all the hanging towels in the bathroom because if the cat were pulled out, he will cling to them, can rip, pull puffs, and throw them on the floor.

You should also keep away from soapboxes, shampoos, and soaps — anything that can get under the pussy’s paw. It is better to bathe the animal in a bath, on the bottom of which to put a terry towel or rubber mat, so that its paws do not slide on the bottom.

For a small kitten, the bath size will be large and cause fear, so it must be placed in a bowl or sink. Since the cat’s body temperature is 38–39 ° C, a comfortable water temperature for her will be 38–40 ° C. The temperature in the bathtub should not be lower than 15°C.

Water should be collected well in advance so that the noise will not frighten the mustache. Its volume should be so much that it reaches the belly of the animal — about 15–20 cm.

Shampoo for cat bathing should be purchased special, taking into account the characteristics of his coat. It should not be washed with soap, as it dries the skin.

You should also prepare in advance all necessary bathing accessories: shampoo, brush, sponge, towels, putting them in a row. Shampoo should be in the open state because then you can’t open it — your hands will be busy holding the purr. All the accessories should be nearby so that they do not need to be pulled far behind.


Before washing the cat in the bathtub, you should trim his claws.

If he has hair lumps on his coat, they should be gently removed. Before bathing, it is advisable to play with pussy so that it relaxes. It is also essential to prepare loving words and to be patient. Do you remember the signs when cat loves your?

Bathe the animal after it visits the tray. After all the preparatory procedures, you can start swimming.

Bathing process

Then we move on to the most important and responsible stage: how to wash the cat at home.

There are a few recommendations on how to put your cat in water. Some advice is to do this by taking it by the water’s crest so it can’t reach you with its paws. Others, by fixing its paws with their hands. The process of putting her in water should be gradual.

In water, the position of a cat may also be different. It is recommended either to place it on its side, hold all paws, or put it on the back paws and fix the front paws. In whatever position you place the kitten in the tub, the main thing is that no water gets into the ears.

Wetting the wool should be started from the back, then moving to the pelvis. And after that — on the front part of the body. The head should be wetted by gently pressing the ears.

The process of soaking the hair should be accompanied by loving words that will allow the animal to understand that you do not want to hurt him, and perhaps a little comfort. Or even a song for your cat.

Once the wool is wet, you should apply shampoo. You can wash with your hands as well as with a specially designed brush. The shampoo should not be used to the head. After soaping, the foam should be gently brushed.

Washed out shampoo very carefully as the remaining detergent can cause skin irritation, or a cat can lick it, which will cause poisoning.

The best rinsing can, of course, be achieved with a shower. If it is unpleasant for the cat, try using a bucket or a mug.

Do not spare any tender words for your pet; it will help him relax and calm down. You can distract him with different toys.

If he is not afraid of the soul, use it. If the noise of water will be unpleasant for the baby, bathe him in a bowl. It is better to wet the head with a sponge, rather than watering it.

Kitten shampoo is better to choose hypoallergenic with a balanced pH level.


You can use a hairdryer to dry it quickly, but only if the cat is not afraid of its noise, which is very rare.

To not apply additional stress to your pet, it is better to dry it with a few towels, only wrapping it in them and changing it in turns as they get wet.

Then the cat will do all the necessary things himself. The main thing is not to let your pet sitting on the floor or in a place with draughts.

Tips and recommendations

  • For the detergent to soap well, it must first be diluted with water in a separate container.
  • There are several ways to wash your cat, which will help him avoid water if he is terrified of it: with dry shampoo and shampoo spray for washing cats.
    It is forbidden to wash the cat with regular human shampoo — human and cat bodies have different pH levels.
  • When bathing, sharp movements and shouts should be avoided.
    Bathing should not take more than 5–7 minutes; it will be longer for long-haired cats.
  • It is essential to avoid hypothermia after bathing.
  • A kitten can be introduced to the bath in advance — just put her in an empty sink and play with her. After a while, please give him a taste of water with his paws
  • If you vaccinated your kitten, you could bathe him only after waiting for 2 weeks.
  • In case you know that your cat can’t stand the water and will be heavily defensive, take care to put on protective clothing against claws and bites.
  • If bathing is done to destroy fleas, you should first wet the animal’s neck and then bathe the rest of the body. This will prevent the parasites from getting over the head.



Jennifer Wilson
Jennifer Wilson

Written by Jennifer Wilson

Housewife and a happy owner of two cats 😻

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