How To Cut Cat Claws: The Mastery

Jennifer Wilson
7 min readSep 11, 2020


The claws of animals grow up all their lives, and sometimes it causes trouble for their owners. So, playing with a cat, you can get an impressive scratch. We also get the furniture — it can be damaged by adult cats. Let’s find out how to cut cat claws so that your pet will be happy.

Table Of Contents

· How to trim a pet’s claws
· Claw cutter
· Claw Trimmer
· Manicure cutters
· Nail file
· Features of cat’s nails structure and rules of their trimming
· How to prepare your cat
· Pruning rules
· The reward for good behavior
· How often should I cut my cat’s claws?
· Tips and Warnings

It is believed that after a single pruning of such sprouts, cats lose the need to sharpen them. This is not entirely true — over time, new ones grow, and the desire for their “sharpening” is laid in the animals at the level of instinct.

Whether to fight for such a procedure or not is up to the owners. If you are ready to do such an operation, then consider that little kittens quickly get used to such actions. It is easier to accustom them, and the first haircut can be done in the second week of life.

It is more difficult with adult cats, especially if no such operations have been performed before. In many cases, the removal of excessive length is necessary — too large claws cause discomfort to the animal. In addition, domestic cats are less active than their street “fellow cats”, and they cannot stack excrescences against the tree.

Claw length is also a kind of status symbol for cats. The procedure of cutting claws should be considered very carefully. Improperly performed surgery can cause more harm than good.

How to trim a pet’s claws

Professionals often emphasize that the usual scissors or cutters from the manicure set are not suitable. They are a little tricky, if carefully used, these devices will not cause any harm. And not everyone has special claw cutters and trimmers.

Claw cutter

special scissors for cat claw trimming made of hard stainless steel

Claw Trimmer

suitable for beginners. After clicking on the handle, the blade is extended to remove the desired segment quickly. A not destructive and sickle-shaped device with a sharp arc.

Manicure cutters

are also convenient for such work. But you should hold them perpendicular to the claw. If you “bury” them at a large angle, may split the nail plate, and such injuries are useless.

Nail file

Use a nail file or a small bar to adjust the shape. These devices must be rigid — the claws of animals are much stronger than ours.

Curious fact: There is also a place for cats among the staff of the British Prime Minister’s residence on Downing Street. The first title of the main mousetrap of the country was purr called Veksel in 1924. Now Larry is in this position (this is his second “cadence”).

Features of cat’s nails structure and rules of their trimming

After checking the tools, you can start processing gently. The first thing you need to do is to “set up” your pet properly.

How to prepare your cat

You will have to “catch” the right moment: it is desirable that the cat at the time of the beginning of the haircut was a little tired, sleepy or at least calm.

But to interrupt his games and almost forcibly start cutting is impossible — a natural reaction will be rejection, and the animal will not be in the hands the second time.

Wishing to avoid unnecessary injuries (both in their own cat and a cat), some owners swaddled their pets. It is also a good way to resort to before cutting a cat's claws at home. If your cat often walks on the street, it would be good to wash him before the procedure.

This procedure is not very clear to the cat at first, and you shouldn’t expect the cat to throw its claws. You will have to stroke your feet, slowly shifting on the pads, which are slightly pressed (until the claw). This uncomplicated method is especially useful for small kittens: they get used to it, and there are no special difficulties with them.

Pruning rules

Before trimming cats' claws, take a disinfected tool with clean hands.

Next, we do this:

  • The foot is held confidently but gently. It should not twitch or slip.
  • Press the center of the pad slightly with two fingers to make the claw appear fully.
  • Now a little anatomy. If you look at the light, you can see the free edge of the claw and the pink fabric inside it. This is a pulp with nerve endings and vessels, it is not touched.
  • The edge is removed so that at least 2 mm is left to the pulp. If a cat has dark claws, you have to act to the touch, in 2–3 approaches, cutting off each 1 mm.
    *Scissors or trimmers are held at the top and perpendicular, trying to make a cut “in one go”. This is a matter of habit — in a few sessions.
  • At the end, adjust the edges so that the cat is more comfortable to walk without clutching his paws.

You can hurt your leg due to inexperience. It is unpleasant, but do not panic — pour peroxide and soothe the “patient”. The bleeding goes quickly.

Do not forget to cut all the claws of their 5 at the front legs and 4 at the back. Beginners often forget about such “asymmetry” and, without looking, leave an old claw in front, which in time causes discomfort to the animal.

The reward for good behavior

Do not forget to praise your pet during the operation, even if he becomes restless. Do you remember the signs that your cat loves you and trusts you?

To slightly smooth out the first stress, give him a vitamin and a pre-packaged treat (something that your pet loves). This will get the cat a little accustomed to the idea that a haircut is not so terrible.

How often should I cut my cat’s claws?

The optimal interval is a break of 2 weeks between removals. This is a common figure, but it can also be adjusted for each individual case.

Such factors as: influence this

  • The growth rate of the claw plate. Each animal has its own plate, often there is a dependence on nutrition: calcium-saturated feeds “drive” new sprouts faster.
  • Color. It is noticed that darker claws grow slower than translucent ones.
  • Lifestyle. Cats can be both hyperactive and lazy. The first, often playing, quickly stack the records, while the “couch” copies require trimming.
  • Participation in shows and exhibitions. Before such shows, “pedicure” is obligatory. However, to avoid injury, you must calculate the length of the “swing”. The usual 2–3 mm may be a lot, if the haircut was made a few days ago. Here, take a smaller one and act more carefully.

Did you know? In the Middle Ages cats, especially black ones, were associated with magic. They also got it from the Inquisition: many animals died at the bonfires together with people who were considered witches.

Tips and Warnings

Remember that trimming should be for the good. If the animal is nervous and pulls out, not yielding to persuasion and affection, it is not worth taking scissors. This will only increase the risk of injury, and dislocating your paw in this situation is easy.

The same applies to the weakened, sick cats — stress will only exacerbate their situation. The situation with pregnant cats is similar.

Cats are big individualists, who sometimes are very worried about any infringement on their freedom. From the point of view of a hyperactive animal, such as “cosmetology” is akin to violence, and the reaction can be even loss of appetite and apathy.

Now you know how to cut cat claws of a cat correctly and safely. Do not forget about tidiness. Let your well-groomed favorites delight the whole family!



Jennifer Wilson
Jennifer Wilson

Written by Jennifer Wilson

Housewife and a happy owner of two cats 😻

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